SEMRenishaw InVia Raman spectrophotometer
SEM-Raman interfacing (SEM-SCA) enables simultaneous chemical characterisation coupled with high resolution imaging of organic nanostructures. JSM-6510 SEM operates in low and high-vacuum modes to facilitate the investigation of uncoated non- conducting samples.
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Renishaw InVia Raman spectrophotometer specifications
- Dual excitation sources (532 nm and 785 nm lasers)
- An optical microscope (Leica) with high quality objective lenses
- A motorised spectrometer lenses which automatically align for each configuration
- Grating stage with dual gratings (1800 lines mm-1 for 532 nm and 1200 lines mm-1 for 785 nm)
- A thermoelectrically cooled (- 70 ºC) CCD detector
- Spot size of < 2 μm for 50x objective lens
- Spatial resolution < 1 μm
- Laser line specific Rayleigh filters with a dual filter arrangement to optimise sensitivity
- Raman shift range of 100 – 4000 cm−1
- A Raman probe and SEM interface for coupling the InVia spectrophotometer to an SEM

JSM-6510LV Scanning Electron Microscope specifications
- Operating voltage of 1-30 kV.
- Resolution: High-vacuum mode:
- 30 kV 0 nm (SEI, 8 mm WD)
- 3 kV 8.0 nm (SEI, 6 mm WD)
- 1 kV 15 nm (SEI, 6 mm WD)
- Magnification of 5x – 300, 000x
- Pressure range in the specimen chamber: 10 to 270 Pa
- Image Signals:
- High-vacuum mode: secondary electron and backscattered electron imaging
- Low-vacuum mode: backscattered electron imaging, Multi- element solid state BSE detector standard on LV models
- Working distances 5-40 mm with tilt -5 – 70 degrees
- BSE Detector with 3 nm resolution
- Stage navigation system