The FEI Titan™ Themis provides easy access to atomic information. It combines proven spherical aberration (Cs)-correctors, monochromator system and sensitive ChemiSTEM™ technology, with the new enhanced piezo stage, FEI Velox™ software, and Gatan K2 camera
—delivering the fastest navigation and instant-zoom to link details from the mesoscopic to the atomic length scales
Superior performance for faster answers:
At the heart of Titan Themis is FEI’s powerful new Velox software. Velox delivers multi-signal detection from up to four signals simultaneously to accelerate scanning transmission electron microscopy (S/TEM) imaging. Gain insight into chemistry and bonding states quickly, acquiring simultaneous energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) at 100,000 spectra/second and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) data with speeds up to 1000 spectra/ second. With faster time to results delivered by Velox, 3D data is attainable in the same amount of time as was required for 2D in the past.
Superior S/TEM image quality: FEI Velox Capture software and Cs-corrected optics deliver superior image quality with the new live Drift Corrected Frame Imaging (DCFI) smart scanning technology. This technology can be combined with recursive chemical imaging capabilities of the Titan Themis. The total acquired data set is then available for post processing.
Empower analysis: Power up quantitative analysis with the FEI Velox scripting engine. The scripting engine works with the CPython programming language widely used in research to enable easy, reliable data mining.

Features and specifications
EDX Microanalysis Option***
• Super-X: High-sensitivity, windowless EDX detector system
based on SSD technology (patented)
• Output count rate: up to 200 kcps
• Energy resolution
• ≤ 136 eV for Mn-Kα and 10 kcps (output)
• ≤ 140 eV for Mn-Kα and 100 kcps (output)
• 0.7 srad solid angle
• 120 mm² combined detector area
• Fast mapping: pixel dwell times down to 10 μs
• High P/B ratio (Fiori number) > 4000
• Excellent in-hole performance (<1% hole counts)
• Low system background in EDX (<1% spurious peaks)
• Detection of all elements down to boron
Available Detector Options
• HAADF detector
• On-axis triple DF1/DF2/BF detectors
• Ceta 16M camera
• Gatan US1000/US4000 cameras
• Gatan energy filter series
Available Holders
• Single tilt holder
• Double tilt holder
• Tomography holder
• Thermo Scientific in situ Holders
- 200 kV S-FEG (high stability, brightness, and high temporal coherence)
- 0.12 – HRTEM
- 0.16nm – HRSTEM
- Ceta 16M Camera 200 kV (large field-of-view and fast imaging with high sensitivity)
Energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS)
- Bruker XFlash
- EDS energy resolution: 129 eV