FTIRPerkin Elmer Spectrum 100 FTIR Spectrometer
The PerkinElmer cassegrain collection optics give high performance infrared micro spectroscopy.
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The microscope includes a camera and viewing system that magnifies the visible light image of the sample so that you can see, position, and isolate a point of interest The image of your sample is displayed in the Monitor Visible window on your PC monitor Spectrum software enables you to control the operation of your Spotlight 200 and collect IR spectra from the sample A micro ATR objective for data collection from optically thick and non reflective samples

Technical Details
- Benchtop Fourier Transform Infra red spectrometer, solid / liquid film samples.
- Working range 7800 650cm 1, resolution 0.5cm 1.
- Fitted with Universal ATR for attenuated total reflection FTIR.