DSC Thermal AnalysisPerkin Elmer - Differential Scanning Calorimetry
Thermal analysis may be defined as the measurement of the physical and chemical properties of materials as a function of temperature or time. Thermal Analysis instruments typically measure heat flow, weight loss, dimension change, or mechanical properties as a function of temperature. Properties characterized include melting, crystallization, glass transitions, cross-linking, oxidation, decomposition, volatilization, coefficient of thermal expansion, and modulus. This allows the user to examine end-use performance, composition, processing, stability, and molecular structure and mobility.
Perkin Elmer Pyris 1 DSC
• The Intracooler allows temperature range of -60°C to + 600 °C
• An air shield to prevent moist air from settling into, and maintaining the sample holder region dry and frost–free
• Samples as small as 1 mg can be analysed at rates of up to 300oC per minute.
• Specific Heat capacity measurement
• Power compensating calorimetry

Main Applications
• Identify polymorphic forms of a compound
• be used to characterize a solid dispersion system
• determine the miscibility of the components for understanding of dissolution and release kinetics
• analyse the dissolution of solid dispersions
• Study of solid-state kinetics such as accelerated stability, decomposition, and the effects of aging on different pharmaceutical formulations