AFMAFM – Agilent 5500 & NanoTA2
The Agilent 5500 is a research grade AFM that can accommodate samples of all sizes due to its “top-down” design in which the scanner and tip are mounted above the sample. The instrument is capable of performing all standard modes of AFM as well as scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and is fitted with a hot stage (ambient temperature to 250ºC), a potentiostat for electrochemistry experiments, and Anasys Instrument’s nano-TA2 Thermal Imaging and Analysis accessory.
The nano-TA2 is an accessory (comprising hardware, software and probes) that enables the AFM to perform nano Thermal Analysis (nano-TA: analogous to macro-scale thermomechanical analysis), Heated Tip AFM (HT-AFM) and Scanning Thermal Microscopy. Unlike conventional Scanning Thermal Microscopy, nano-TA can be used with both contact and tapping mode imaging, so is applicable to soft samples such as polymers, elastomers and composites.

Technical Specification
Series 5500 AFM/SPM System c
Closed loop, with triple lock-in AC controller (AAC)
Multi-purpose scanners, 9 x 9 μm (open loop operation) and 90 x 90 μm (closed or open-loop operation)
Standard and AAC AFM nose-cones for multi-purpose scanners
All standard AFM imaging modes available
Accepts all standard AFM probes (custom probes required for nano-TA)
Noise and vibration isolation chamber
PicoImage software suite
Potentiostat/galvanostat functionality
Cantilever spring constant calibration module, 500kHz for point spectroscopy
Standard sample plate
Controlled temp sample plate, ambient to 250 ºC
Temperature controller; 0.025K accuracy
Anasys Instruments nano-TA2
Measurement Mode: Single or Dual Probe (software selectable)
Ramp Modes: Voltage, Power (single), Delta Power (dual)
Imaging Modes: Contact Mode / Intermittent Contact Mode
Software can record up to 4 independent channels including the following options:
Deflection, Resistance, Power, Vs, Vi, Vs-Vr, Delta Power, Vheat, and FbOut)
Temperature Ramp Rate: Up to 600,000°C / min
Max. Probe Temperature: 500°C (dependent on probe used)
Probe Spring Constant: ranges from 0.1 N/m to 5 N/m
Probe Resonant Frequency: ranges from 20 to 80 kHz
Tip Radius: 20-30 nm / Tip Height: 1-5 microns / Cantilever Length: 200 or 300 μm